Well I bought a violin on Ebay for my daughter (saved me a lot more than to rent it)
It was perfect. I don't know what my daughter did but it wont make sound anymore.
She also was touching the hair on the bow a bit. But she only had it 2 days so I don't know if this was enough to cause damage.
I think she may put too much rosin on it. Is this possible?
Too much rosin on the violin bow?passions soap opera
if you think it is the bow then you should try to get a new boow. but i played violin for 5 years, and i think that rosin has nothing to do with it. Maybe it is too less rosin. because without rosin, you cant really here the violin. try going to your local instrument store. because they would know a lot more!!
Too much rosin on the violin bow?mr messed up opera theater
when you put too much rosin on the hair, it'll make it super sticky and make a very loud screech. You should probably bring it into a shop to look at it, or even just ask her teacher what is wrong and how you can take better care of it.
You're ok with your rosin levels. I have been playing violin for 25 years. Yes, oils from your hand can damage the horsehairs on the bow, but I'd go with your instinct and say she probably didn't do that much damage in 2 days. Here are some things to consider:
1. Is the bow tightened too much? There should be a little give in the bow.
2. Are you sure the strings are attached properly?
Other than that, I'd need more info before I could help figure out why you're not getting a sound out of it.
Good luck!
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