A friend of mine has Perfection Planetary Pegs on her violin. She has had them for around 3-4 years. Recently they have began to slip as she plays. They don't spontaneously slip, just gradually when she plays. Does anyone know of anything she can do to get the pegs to stop slipping as she plays?
Perfection Planetary Pegs Slipping on Violin?pacific theater
That should not be happening. In case other people reading do not know Perfection Pegs are geared pegs and are glued into the peg hole with hide glue. The geared mechanism is inside the peg and is not visible.
This seems very odd, ; it is the first time I have heard of this happenening and I have researched these pegs a lot.
Were they installed by a luthier as per the manufacturere's recommendations ?
Are all the pegs slipping, or just some ?
Are the pegs slippin/turning in the peg hole or is the geared mechanism itself slipping ?
I do know that the geared mechansim has a locking function and you have to push the peg in to engage the gear mechanism. Perhaps that is not being done properley ?
You have to apply a slight amount of pressure inwards towards the peg box to engage the gear mechanism. Read the last entry on this article :
Perfection Planetary Pegs Slipping on Violin?phantom of the opera opera theater
Hi- maybe try chalk on the pegs.. also when winding the string onto the peg, make sure the string is distributed evenly (ie. try not to have the string overlapping on the peg) .. if the peg is really slippery , spreading the winding of the string ALONG the peg often helps
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