Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm finding it hard to hold a violin, can someone please give me tips and make my lesson easier

My teacher says that first, I need to learn how to balance the violin between the part below the collarbone and my chin. I'm finding it hard because to, my violin is heavy and it is hurting my chin and left shoulder parts. I think I'm getting a bruise there...*hmmm*. Anyways, I'm finding it really hard.

Please help!!!

I'm finding it hard to hold a violin, can someone please give me tips and make my lesson easier?symphony

Tell your teacher that it is hurting your collarbone and that you might need a different shoulder rest. There are all different kinds of shoulder rests. I keep a variety at my house for students to try, but a violin shop should have them as well. Sometimes you just need a simple sponge, others do better with a more elaborate shoulder rest. My personal preference is the Wolf "Secondo" (the Primo model dug into the back of my violin, but other people I know really like the Primo). It's about $30 or so, not the most expensive, but not the cheapest. My daughter and I both use it.

Shar sells a really nice shoulder rest that several of my students use. It's very inexpensive and it stays on really well, and is not too high. It's called the Maestro and is less than $10.

I'm finding it hard to hold a violin, can someone please give me tips and make my lesson easier?performing arts center opera theater

I played with a lousy posture for 8 years. It didn't really affect me too much, just made me seem as if I wasn't very passionate about what I was playing.

I used to play with my chin squeezing the violin onto my collarbone, and my palm flat on the neck of the violin for support. It was a bit hard at first to do vibrato or go into 2nd or 3rd positions, but I managed to overcome it by practice.

That is - I still had the exact same posture but my hands were always sweaty, and I would use that slide up and down the neck of the violin.
Are you using some sort of cushion between the violin and your collarbone? My violin teacher had me use a piece of foam.

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